Utquiagvik, once known as Barrow, stands as the northernmost village on the North Slope of Alaska and proudly holds the title of the northernmost city in the United States. In 2016, it reclaimed its Inupiat name, a nod to its heritage, although many locals and visitors still affectionately call it Barrow. As of 2022, the North Slope was home to 10,805 residents, and it’s worth noting that nearly half of them, 4,927, found their place in the unique landscape of Utquiagvik. This distinctive city secures the 12th spot in Alaska’s city population rankings.
Utquiagvik’s culture runs deep, firmly rooted in its Inupiat heritage. The people here continue to live a traditional subsistence lifestyle, which includes hunting, fishing, and gathering. Inupiaq, the native language, plays a pivotal role in preserving their rich cultural identity.